"In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garanties voor de toekomst"
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These are the ramblings of Matthijs Kooijman, concerning the software he hacks on, hobbies he has and occasionally his personal life.

Most content on this site is licensed under the WTFPL, version 2 (details).

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See also my Mastodon page.

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Dynamic memory allocation debugging

Arduino Community Logo

While trying to track down a reset bug in the Pinoccio firmware, I suspected something was going wrong in the dynamic memory management (e.g., double free, or buffer overflow). For this, I wrote some code to log all malloc, realloc and free calls, as wel as a python script to analyze the output.

This didn't catch my bug, but perhaps it will be useful to someone else.

In addition to all function calls, it also logs the free memory after the call and shows the return address (e.g. where the malloc is called from) to help debugging.

It uses the linker's --wrap, which allows replacing arbitrary functions with wrappers at link time. To use it with Arduino, you'll have to modify platform.txt to change the linker options (I hope to improve this on the Arduino side at some point, but right now this seems to be the only way to do this).

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