"In het verleden behaalde resultaten bieden geen garanties voor de toekomst"
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/ Blog / Uni
ENIAC Thesis Award 2010

Matthijs and Christiaan showing their award

Last week, my Master's thesis was awarded with the ENIAC Thesis Award 2010. This is is an award for the best-written and most scientific Master's thesis for Computer Science (and related masters). The prize is awarded by ENIAC, the alumni club for computer science.

This award came quite unexpected to me. Apparently my thesis (together with Christiaan's thesis, which discussed the same subject) was nominated by our graduation comittee. I had also not actually expected to win, so that was quite cool.

The award consisted of a nice certificate and a cool sculpture by Lei Hannen. As an extra surprise, it turned out there is also a €500 money prize associated wit this award.

According to the jury rapport, our thesis were awarded because of the novelty and the new research area they open up. Additionally, my thesis was commended for the excellent use of English. Cool :-D

Sanne wrote at 2011-02-09 20:21

Gaaf! Ben je van plan te kijken wat de mogelijkheden zijn op onderzoeksgebied of vind je het wel prima om dit als mooie afsluiter te beschouwen? Ik herinner me dat je zei dat je bij Swierstra had gesoliciteerd...

Matthijs Kooijman wrote at 2011-03-25 21:27

Hmm, ik had wat problemen met comments, vandaar dat ik hem nu pas zie.

Nee, ik heb verder geen plannen om verder te gaan onderzoeken. Ik vind het wel interessant om af en toe te horen hoe het verder gaat met m'n afstudeerwerk, maar voorlopig heb ik geen heimwee :-)

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